I Spy a Sign

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I Spy a Sign

Do you remember playing the game "I Spy" when you were younger? One player would say "I spy something red," and the other player would guess red items until they mentioned the thing the first player was thinking of. Often in the game of I Spy, players would choose signs as their designated objects. They might pick a stop sign as a red object, or a yield sign as a yellow object, for example. There's a reason for this. These signs are made to be highly visible and attract attention. So whether or not you've played I Spy in recent years, we invite you to read more about incredible, visible signs on this website.


How to Have a Stress-Free Shopping Experience for Headstone Monuments

29 September 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Headstone monuments are an important part of people's gravesites. It lets the surviving members honor them in a special way. If you're looking for a headstone to serve as a grave marker, these steps can lead to a stress-free shopping experience. 1. Think About Overall Design Before you start getting into the more intricate details of this important headstone monument, take a broader approach and think about the overall design you think will serve your loved one and their wishes the best. Read More …

How To Make Better Sign Printing Choices

28 July 2020
 Categories: , Blog

When working with a sign printing company on a project, success depends on the initial choices you make. Here are 6 tips for making sure your sign printing work will go better. Think About Where the Signs Will Be Used The environment where you'll place your signs will dictate your materials choices. A vinyl product, for example, is probably a bit much for indoor purposes, but it could make all the difference outdoors in a humid region. Read More …

Why Use Photoluminescent Exit Signs

30 June 2020
 Categories: , Blog

When in the market for exit signs, there are a several different types to choose from. You can purchase your standard AC power with battery backup, or you can also purchase a sign with strictly battery power. There are signs powered by tritium, which is a gas, or you can purchase a photoluminescent exit sign.  Here's why you should choose the later option. Photoluminescence works through the absorption of photons. In other words, they are powered by the absorption of light from other sources – essentially, they are glow in dark. Read More …

How To Adapt ADA Signage For Social Distancing

22 June 2020
 Categories: , Blog

The new social distancing rules require shopping malls, stores, restaurants, and schools to provide safe spaces for visitors. But some visitors risk being left behind. While putting into place signage and arrows to ensure social distancing in your establishment, special considerations for persons with disabilities should not be forgotten.  The following are three ways to improve social distancing for all visitors by using ADA signage adapted for social distancing. Display Larger and More Prominent ADA Signage  Read More …

Custom Signage For A Children’s Zoo And Eatery

19 June 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Signs provide important information and can also be used to convey positive messages or exciting news. If you are opening a new children's zoo and eatery, choose some ways to integrate signage, both inside the zoo and restaurant and on the premises. Your new advertising will ensure that your visitors are informed about procedures, animal facts, and the location of a specific site. Signs For Animals And Walking Paths Signs that provide information about various animal breeds and their behaviors or eating patterns can be informative for your visitors and will allow people to branch out on their own, without needing to be accommodated by a tour guide. Read More …