Options For Custom-Made Lobby Signs And The Benefits They Offer

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I Spy a Sign

Do you remember playing the game "I Spy" when you were younger? One player would say "I spy something red," and the other player would guess red items until they mentioned the thing the first player was thinking of. Often in the game of I Spy, players would choose signs as their designated objects. They might pick a stop sign as a red object, or a yield sign as a yellow object, for example. There's a reason for this. These signs are made to be highly visible and attract attention. So whether or not you've played I Spy in recent years, we invite you to read more about incredible, visible signs on this website.


Options For Custom-Made Lobby Signs And The Benefits They Offer

14 April 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Is your lobby looking a little bare? Does it neglect to offer adequate direction to your clients? Does your staff spend a good portion of their day directing people when they could be tending to other tasks? If so, then you could benefit from a custom-made lobby sign. The sign can be designed in a way that works best for your lobby. This article can provide you with tips on creating the right design and cover some advantages it could offer.  

Some Uses for a Custom-Made Lobby Sign

A lobby sign can take up a large area on the wall and depict your logo. This can help increase brand recognition. Digital signs can provide current information, such as the weather, driving conditions, updated wait times, upcoming events, company news, and more. Scrolling electric signs can save space while offering information on a small screen, since the text scrolls. 

Material Selection for a Custom Lobby Sign

When having a custom lobby sign made, consider opting for materials that match and even enhance those used throughout the lobby. For example, if the lobby has an industrial design, consider a custom chrome sign. If the lobby has cherry wood desks and counters, consider a sign that's also crafted of cherry wood. Using the same materials as those used throughout the lobby can help create more unity in the space. 

Decorative Options for Custom-Made Lobby Signs

Lobby signs can do more than depict information with words and logos. They can also help invoke certain feelings. You can have a custom lobby sign made that helps your clients feel a certain way. For example, your lobby sign can display information with a background of your choosing. If you run a travel resort, then you can have a lobby sign that depicts your logo with a picture of a beautiful Caribbean beach behind it. This would help clients feel even more excited about making their travel plans.

The Best Size for Custom Lobby Signs

The size of the sign should help create a comfortable and informative space, while also taking up the right amount of space. Beautiful signs that double as artwork should be large enough to be enjoyed from all areas of the lobby. Signs providing critical instructions should fit in the place where they're noticed the most. If this means getting mounted to the wall above the counters, it may require the sign to be smaller. Now that you understand more about custom sign options and uses, you're in a better position to choose the right one for your lobby.

Contact a supplier to learn more about custom-made lobby signs.